These are just two of many examples of dogs ruined by poor breeding. If you doubt this, look at the Neapolitan Mastiff, Chinese Shar-pei, or the English Bulldog, neither of which is a functional dog anymore. Ironically, many "working dog" breeders purposefully produce dogs towards a mutated standard knowing the dogs are unable to perform the most basic aspects of life. When breeding working dogs, we should put stability, ability, and health over all else. We are not gods here, and hoping is not going to cut it. One cannot simply speak performance into existence. People have purposefully mutated many breeds of dogs and then try to justify it by stating they are "breeding to the standard." Have you ever noticed that registered "working breeds" are almost always owned and bred by people that do not work their dogs? It is delusional to think one can produce working dogs without actually working them. To get the best, we have to select for the best, and to do that we have to place the performance of the desired task above all other criteria. Producing quality takes work.and a lot of it. If we want success, we cannot be kennel blind or just wish something into existence. Simply because we want something to be so, doesn't make it true. Natural selection is based on the concepts of survival of the fittest. Throughout history, the best breeders of performance animals yielded to reality and accepted the practices of natural selection. removed delusional mindset often created by wishful thinkers. accepted limitations of man's abilities and 2.
American sentinel dog professional#
In my private and professional studies, I began to realize the best performing domesticated animals were produced by people that 1. This allows us to make the best recommendations for your situation. As a result, it is generally best to review the information on our website before contacting us regarding what is available however, make sure you speak with us before sending in a deposit for a puppy so we can discuss your personal needs and expectations. While customer service is important to us, with all our responsibilities we do stay extremely busy. It is our goal to treat our customers the way we would want to be treated. We also listen to our clients to help them find the right dog for their situation. It is our goal at American Sentinel K9, LLC to produce the best bandogs in the history of the world, and certainly the best in existence today for our goals. The loyalty offered by a good dog is unmatched, which is why they are often referred to as "man's best friend." It takes both experience and education to develop a true knowledge and understanding of a subject. A quality dog not only serves as a great companion, but also helps protect these rights. The Bill of Rights also acknowledges many rights, among the list is the 2nd Amendment, which is there to protect all the other rights stated in the document. The Declaration of Independence acknowledges certain unalienable rights, rights we are born with, and specifically mentions our rights to life, liberty (freedom), the pursuit of happiness.

Patrick has his dogs companions and guard dogs/protection dogs.Īmerican Sentinel K9, LLC supports our right to defend our selves and others. Patrick gave this award to Lee as a thank you for excellent service, and stated " the American Sentinel is the only dog of any other breed that displayed the same level of drive and intensity as the dogs I use to breed." Mr. After purchasing five American Sentinels from American Sentinel K9, LLC, Mr. Mahlon "Pat" Patrick, who received the 2000 ADBA Dogman Hall of fame due to his exceptional breeding program that lasted 40 years. Photo: Lee holds a gift he received from Mr.